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Sunday, January 29, 2012

14 Days of Love Party ♥ Lil' {Mustached} Men Valentines Holder

So I hope this nice little Sunday is starting out cozy and full of love for you!!
If you're new here, hello!  I have lots to tell you about, so sit back and visit with us{smile}.

I am excited to be next up in the 14 Days of Love Series hosted by Ashley at Cherished Bliss!
It's surreal and fun for me to be among these fine blogging women!

Today I am coming at you with something I know a little bit about,
making the
mushy, gushy, lovey, dovey, full of hearts + flowers holiday,
into something 
cool + fun for the little guys!!
Those of you who have stuck with me awhile know
that's what I love to do right?!

Lil' {Mustached} Men Valentine Holders

Oooh they make me happy!
They would make a great classroom project too!!

What I like about this project is that the little ones can help
and there is no right or wrong answer, embellish away!!
quart {tall} or pint {short} milk containers
kraft paper
black fine tip sharpie

1. Cut bottom of carton open on three sides.  Wash and dry thoroughly.
2. Tape shut.  {When ready to take out the valentines just cut through the tape and open!}
3 - 4.Wrap sides of carton {not top or bottom} in kraft paper around and secure.
5. Make a little tent to fit the width of the carton top and tape or glue on.
6. Attach mustache to the milk carton {the definition of a true milk mustache!},
we used these from Michaels,
but you could definitely
make your own too out of cardstock or felt.
7. Draw on a cute little face with the black fine-tipped Sharpie.
8. Add a little bowtie or whatever your little heart desires!
9. Cut a slit in the back for Valentines.
10. Watch all the Valentines Love come your way!!!

The smaller container could be filled with small candies such as chocolate coins. 

We made these valentines for Ethan's class
with the same mustaches from Michaels.
Our school does not allow candy, and we're a little over bringing erasers and pencils.
I can just picture the fun they'll have with these!

I {mustache} you to be mine, Valentine.  

These mustached men love dropping in on a party.
Add some milk, cookies, and a few more mustache accents

{these I drew on our chalkboard backdrop from the little boys' second birthday}
for an instant...

Little {Mustached} Men Valentine's Party!!

Thank you for stopping on in and hanging out here today!!
I have loved having you all...friends old and new!  

Tomorrow, the series will continue with Audra from 
 Once A Mom Always a Cook!
So make sure to stop on by and show her some...
Yes, you guessed it!

And if you missed yesterday, you must check out
Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts DIY Chevron Pencil Skirt!

Thank you Ashley from Cherished Bliss for rounding up all of these fabulous ladies.
So fantastic to be in their company!!

Wishing you all the Happiest {Heart} Day!!


This event is sponsored by:  
Lily Bella Fabric Ribbon Jar Whimsy Couture Seemingly Smitten
Book Craft image The Little Bird Vixen Made
Joonie Beads Merdith's little shop Liberty Original
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Design Dazzle


  1. How Cute! My daughter claimed this valentine project for next year! She loves mustaches; she even has the mustache Toms limited edition from November! So glad to be following your amazing blog. Have a wonderful, blessed day :)

  2. So excited to come check out your craft for the 14 days!! Your blog is so easy on the eyes!! I'm looking to redo mine, i'll have to remember yours for inspiration! :) hugs!
    I love your Valentine stash's!! Adorable!!!

  3. Such a cute idea for the little menfolk!! I love a good 'stache!

    It's been fun being a part of this LOVE series with you and the others!

  4. Hi! These little men holders are the cutest!! Very neat chalkboard backdrop also! Thanks for the tutorial, I'm featuring it today along with "14 Days of Love" over at The latest Find!! =)

  5. Michelle! OMG these are ABSOLUTELY adorable!! I so love mustaches! Thank you so so much for being a part of the 14 days of love! You are such an inspiration! : )

  6. Michelle, These are so unbelievably creative!!! I'm happy to be participating in the 14 days of love with you!!! Seriously these ROCK!!! So glad you shared your fabulous idea!!! I'm also excited to be your newest follower!!! Looking forward to lots more inspiration in the future! XO, Aimee

  7. so cute! Love your link up !!!

  8. How cute is this?!! I love the idea. I know my husband would too!! IT would make him laugh!!


  9. Oh my goodness, this is so cute! I love the little mustache idea! And I adore chevron, so this is a great combo for me. :) Thanks for sharing!

  10. Those are sooooo stinking cute!! Absolutely perfect for my son's kindergarten class!! :)

  11. Haha...those are so adorable.
    I am hosting a Valentine's project link party until 2/14. I would love it if you came and linked these up!

  12. These are so cute! Gotta love mustaches! :)

    I'd love for you to share:

  13. Love these! And- Bless you for 5 boys! I have 3 and I love them to death, but man are they so Boyish! ;) I am so happy I found your cute blog! I am your newest follower! Saw your post over at Tatertots And Jello! Would love for you to check out my goods- of course it is all Boyish too! :) Have a great night! -Jen

  14. This is one of my favorites! I love them. I hope you will link this up to my I Heart Projects Party if you haven't already.

  15. So cute!! I love it! Thanks for linking up! Did you enter my Lisa Leonard giveaway yet?

    XO, Aimee


I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle

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