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Saturday, September 17, 2011

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!

Ever wondered what 4 little monkeys
do at bedtime?




  1. What I love more than the sweet sweet faces of those boys and their giggles is the pure joy and enjoyment from their mama!

  2. sure looks like they are ready for bed :)

    i love their nursery!

  3. My Liam is trying to jump with them and every now and then will pause to point to one of their faces. I'm surprised they get any sleep being all in there together! Reminds me of our house at bed time!


  4. Tooooo fun! My boys thought this was hilarious and took to jumping on the couch {no, I don't normally allow that}.

  5. How cute is that. Lucky you that they are still in their cots. My twins that aren't quite 2 have just gone into beds due to climbing!

    I loved the laughter from you too. :)

  6. Aaah! That's so adorable and so incredible too!!

    I have four children, including twins....but I am completely in awe of anyone with quads!! I don't know anyone with quads, actually, so you're my first!!!


  7. Thank you!!
    Mel I tried to get a comment to you but couldn't find an email! I am sure we will be in beds soon, little monkeys right?! ;)

  8. Jenna, loved that you shared it with your boys, so fun!!


I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle

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