Monday, October 15, 2012

Let them Play Ball {Inside}


Since we have been back from Disney I haven't felt well.  
Really it started before, but I just wanted to have this 
special vacation for us, and we did, it was magical.

I bet you thought this post was going to be about something else {grin}.

I woke up and headed to the ER this morning,
I will spare all of the details, but with my symptoms, 
the ER doctor told me {thankfully} later that he thought
I may have had a mass in my abdomen.
My CT came back clear.  

I still have yet to have all of the answers I need,
but I do know at that moment, Matt and I reaching for each other's hands,
that all that mattered was us and getting home to hug my loves.


Tonight I read a Facebook post from a well known author 
{ahem, Mrs. Emily Giffin} and there are over one-thousand comments
about whether one should allow their children to play ball in the house.

Hot topic.

Overwhelmingly the answers were no, never, under no circumstance, 
something could be broken, someone could be hurt...even with a Nerf ball....
it's the absolute worst thing you could let your child do.

OK, made that last one up, but some were close.

I say let them play ball.  Nerf ok, whatever you decide.
Here no shoes inside, no baseballs indoors, 
but we hung a basketball  hoop {not talking the Nerf kind}
in our oldest's room and he is regularly found kicking his 
soccer ball {used indoors only} around.  

I might add his ball control skills have really improved.  

I am sure you get my point.

It's not one of respect or injury, it's one of letting the little 
stuff that doesn't matter go once in awhile.
Something I am reminded of often, like today,
most of you know our story.

Yes set boundaries, set rules, designate areas,
it isn't a free-for-all here.

Don't you love once you disagree with the majority they think you're
filming the next Animal House with your toddlers?  

{Griffin could totally pass for John Belushi}.

I guess what I am saying is lighten up once in awhile.
I say this to my rule-following self.
Live a little.  

Whatever is "the thing" ease up a bit.
It feels good, I promise.  And it's hard for me too.

Maybe I just don't have a home filled with super expensive stuff,
no china to destroy, no massive flat screen tv to ruin.

Our floors and walls are dinged by life.

Would I love to have it differently?
In my mind I think so, but not in my heart.

We LIVE here.

Go long I'm open! 

Night friends,
:: michelle ::


  1. glad to hear disney was a huge success, can't wait to read/see all about it :)

    hope the rest of your test results are negative!! what a nerve-wracking time for you.prayers being sent your way!

    no ball playing inside my house growing up lol. my mom always made us go outside,i think just because there is more room and less to trip/fall over :)

  2. I love your approach and I couldn't agree more. :-)

    I'm praying about your test results... may it all be good news.

  3. I just love this. Mostly because we are in total agreement with one another, but also, that it's such a great reminder that while some things are good teachable moments, sometimes we just have to let our kids live in a house where they grow up experiencing laughter and joy, not in a museum filled with "don't's". I don't want my kids to think that I valued my couch more than I valued the time that the spent taking the cushions and making a fort with them. Or that my base moulding is more important than the race car track they set up and then use as a stopping point for their cars. Keep on doing what you are doing girl! I want to come live in your house!

  4. People are often amazed at what I let my kids do inside the house. Just months after we moved into our newly built dream home, I let my girls ride tricycles around the kitchen. My brother commented about them running into the wall and leaving tire marks. I quickly told him that it was something to easily cover up after the winter was over and they could go back outside. In the meantime, I was desperate for them to be able to have fun and burn energy inside. Once, we cleared out the family room and set up the bounce house for another special indoor winter treat. :) they are only little once!

  5. Just ran across this a mother of four almost grown and gone boys I say...cherish the time you have with your little ones. Playing anything in the house will all too soon pass and they will be playing some where else. Two of mine went off to play in the Marine Corps, one is in college...lots of playing, one still at home in high school, and he also has a hoop...not Nerf in his room. Yes, the ball hits his bedroom ceiling and it is MUSIC to my ears...he is HOME! Making memories has proven more important to me then a scuff free wall :)

  6. God Bless...glad you are okay.

    I agree. Sticky floors and dinged walls are signs of a childhood well spent.

    My best,

  7. God bless...glad you are okay.

    Sticky floors and dinged walls are signs of a well-spent childhood.

    My best,


I so appreciate your sweet thoughts and thank you for sharing. I always try to reply whether it be to your email or on one of your blog posts! Wishing you a wonder*filled day! Michelle